IEEE Communication Society New York Chapter, Technical Seminar Series (4)
The NY ComSoc chapter hosted a Virtual Distinguished Lecturer (VDL) talk on May 2nd. The presentation is on ” RFID for Human Activity Sensing: Challenges, Solutions and Applications”, by Prof. Shiwen Mao, with a ComSoc session number 24444. The event is co-hosted by another 26 IEEE chapters (see details below). The NY Chapter plans to release the recorded presentation video and slides to the chapter website.
Date: Sunday May 2nd, 2021
Time: 8pm – 9:15pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Location: New York, USA
vTool event page:
Primary Host: CH01082 – New York Section Chapter,COM19
CH01082 – New York Section Chapter,COM19
CH01092 – North Jersey Section Jt Chapter,AP03/MTT17
CH06047 – Oregon Section Jt. Chap, COM19/UFFC20/PHO36
CH04053 – Southeastern Michigan Sec,AES10/COM19
CH05251 – Galveston Bay Sect Jt. Chap,IM09/BIO46/SYS45/SEN39
CH07190 – North Saskatchewan Sect. Jt. Chap,CAS04/COM19/SP01
CH06102 – Seattle Sect Jt. Chap, COM19/VT06/BT02/IT12/ITS38
CH10939 – Vizag Bay Section Jt. Chapter,COM19/SP01
CH04027 – Chicago Section Chapter, COM19
CH07016 – Montreal Section Chapter, IT12/COM19
CH07076 – Kingston Section Chapter, C16/COM19
CH02109 – Washington Section Chapter,COM19
CH10300 – Kolkata Section Chapter, COM19
CH04079 – Central Indiana Section Jt. Chapter,SP01/COM19
CH01156 – North Jersey Section Chapter,COM 19
CH10606 – Harbin Section Chapter, COM19
CH02088 – Pittsburgh Section Jt Chapter,VT06/COM19
CH01075 – Maine Section Chapter,C16/COM19
CH07045 – Vancouver Jt Chpt VT06/COM19/PHO36/BT02/IT12/ITS38
CH01072 – New Jersey Coast Section Chapter,COM19
LM70001 – Kingston Section Affinity Group,LM
CH01246 – New York Section Chapter,SMC28
CH06201 – Foothill Section Chapter,COM19
CH05005 – Central Texas Sect Jt. Chap,COM19/SP01/CT08 Austin
CH03225 – Atlanta Section Chapter, COM19
CH07093 – Canadian Atlantic Section Chapter, COM19
Event Agenda
08:00 PM – 08:05 PM Welcoming & IEEE ComSoc Membership Promotion
08:05 PM – 08:10 PM Speaker Introduction
08:10 PM – 08:55 PM Presentation
08:55 PM – 09:10 PM Questions and Answers
09:10 PM – 09:15 PM Closing Remarks
Talk Title
RFID for Human Activity Sensing: Challenges, Solutions and Applications
With the rapid development of radio frequency (RF) sensing in the Internet of Things (IoT), human activity sensing, detection and tracking have attracted increasing attention. Among the various RF sensors, radio-frequency identification (RFID) has its unique advantages of low-cost, small form factor, battery-free, and robustness to surrounding interference. Beyond its original use of responding stored Electronic Product Code (EPC) data when interrogated by a reader, RFID tags can be used as wearable sensors on the human body. In this talk, we will investigate the various technical challenges on fully exploiting RFID for human activity recognition and tracking, such as frequency hopping, and the noisy and sparse RFID data, and examine potential solutions. We will then review several of our recently works on RFID based human vital sign monitoring, drowsy driving detection, and 3D human pose monitoring and tracking. We will conclude this talk with thoughts on future work in the area.
Speaker Bio
SHIWEN MAO received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY. He held the McWane Endowed Professorship from 2012 to 2015 and the Samuel Ginn Endowed Professorship from 2015 to 2020 in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Auburn University, Auburn, AL. Currently, he is a professor and Earle C. Williams Eminent Scholar Chair, and Director of the Wireless Engineering Research and Education Center (WEREC) at Auburn University. His research interest includes wireless networks, multimedia communications, and smart grid. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Communications Society, and is on the Editorial Board of IEEE TWC, IEEE TNSE, IEEE TMC, IEEE IoT, IEEE OJ-ComSoc, IEEE/CIC China Communications, IEEE Multimedia, IEEE Networking Letters, and ACM GetMobile, among others. He received the IEEE ComSoc TC-CSR Distinguished Technical Achievement Award in 2019 and NSF CAREER Award in 2010. He is a co-recipient of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society 2020 Jack Neubauer Memorial Award, the 2004 IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize in the Field of Communications Systems, and several conference best paper awards. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.
Total Registration: 264 (as of 05/02/2021)
Peak attendance: 105